White Mountain Fall Proposal: Sophie & Larry

Sophie and Larry met in 2014 when they were both living in Boston. Within the next year Larry moved to Hanover, NH to complete his studies at Dartmouth while Sophie stayed behind in Boston. For most, that is the end of a love story, for Larry and Sophie it was only the beginning.

Sophie would take the bus to Hanover or Larry would drive to Boston on weekends. They adventured and found not only love in the outdoors, but fell so deeply in love that the distance no longer mattered. Finally, the couple moved into their Rhode Island home this past summer living together for the first time in their five year relationship.

New Hampshire has always remained a special place in their hearts. When Larry first contacted us about proposing to Sophie we knew that this couple was patient for five years, they deserved nothing less than perfection, and we were happy to hike any mountain for Larry’s proposal to Sophie. They waited long enough. We decided on the ledges on the Welch Dickey Loop. It is easily one of the most beautiful places in all of New Hampshire, especially in October.

Once we arrived at the ledges, Anton and I handpicked the absolute best spot and texted Larry a picture so he would know where to find us. All week Larry and I developed a code in order to communicate without eye contact or words. We very carefully communicated as to be sure Sophie would remain completely clueless. And clueless she was, Larry did an amazing job of keeping her in the dark.

It took them a moment to realize how amazing their moment was. After introducing Anton and I, beautiful tears of joy formed in Larry’s eyes. He stared lovingly into the face of his future wife. Sophie was absolutely glowing. On several occasions during their shoot our hearts were so full of joy for the newly engaged couple that we also cried. They were so pure, kind, and sweet. We know now that in Sophie and Larry, Anton and I have found kindred souls. Their love could make the coldest heart warm again.

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